Friday, July 30, 2010

outside looking in

this photo was taken about a year ago at mary's parents' house in omaha. although the perimeter of the picture looks touched by photoshop, it was not. a temperature change from inside to outside fogged my lens.

i suspect a lot of folks aim for a roof over their heads and a sanctuary of sorts for their family and friends. that's what i see when i look at this photo — group of people who care about each other sharing time at a kitchen table with some good food and warm light. i'm a natural born complainer, but photography reminds me to count my blessings. otherwise, i'd probably forget.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of july in st. louis

fly-over after national anthem.

my mom, mary and i stayed at this hotel the night before the st. louis marathon last year.

melvin's gun show. $8 beers add up quickly.

mary shows off her cardinals spirit.

ol' glory flies high.